Tezos Tezos Stocks, USD price, market cap


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SymbolXTZ Rank92 Price USD0.96 Market Cap USD943997781 24H volume USD30569272 Circulating Supply983144554 Total Supply1003710313 % last hour 0.29 % last 24 hours -1.35 % last seven days 4.75  



Tezos XTZ is a cryptocurrency that was launched in 2018. It is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that allows users to create, deploy, and manage smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). Tezos is a self-amending blockchain, meaning that the protocol is designed to evolve over time without the need for hard forks.

Tezos XTZ is based on the proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, which is different from the proof-of-work consensus algorithm used by Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. In proof-of-stake, coin holders can stake their coins to secure the network and earn rewards for doing so. This makes Tezos XTZ more energy-efficient than other cryptocurrencies.

Tezos XTZ is built on a modular architecture, which allows developers to easily upgrade the protocol without having to hard fork the network. This is one of the key features of the platform, as it makes it more secure and reliable.

Tezos XTZ is a relatively new cryptocurrency, but it has already gained a lot of attention from investors and developers. The platform has a large and growing community of users, and it has been adopted by a number of major companies, including Goldman Sachs and Samsung.

Tezos XTZ is a promising cryptocurrency that has a lot of potential. It is a secure, reliable, and energy-efficient platform that is designed to evolve over time. As the platform continues to grow and develop, it could become a major player in the crypto space.


Values of Tezos, Symbol, Rank, Price USD, Price BTC, Volume USD, Market Cap USD, Available Supply, Total Supply, % last hour, % last 24 hours,% last seven days.