Siacoin Siacoin Stocks, USD price, market cap


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SymbolSC Rank176 Price USD0.0071 Market Cap USD408024524 24H volume USD5826622 Circulating Supply57285959127 Total Supply57311955000 % last hour -0.0067 % last 24 hours -1.81 % last seven days 0.0063  



Siacoin (SC) is a cryptocurrency that was launched in 2015 as part of the Sia decentralized storage platform. The purpose of Siacoin is to provide a secure and affordable way to store data in the cloud. The Sia platform is powered by blockchain technology and uses a proof-of-work consensus algorithm to secure data stored on its decentralized storage network.

Siacoin is based on the blockchain technology, which is a distributed ledger system that allows for secure and transparent transactions. This means that all data stored on the Sia network is secured by a cryptographic hash, which makes it virtually impossible for anyone to access the data without the user’s permission.

Siacoin is a proof-of-work cryptocurrency, which means that miners have to solve complex mathematical puzzles in order to add new blocks to the blockchain. Miners are rewarded with Siacoins for their efforts, which helps to secure the network and keep it running.

The Sia platform is designed to be a decentralized cloud storage solution. It allows users to rent out their unused hard drive space and earn Siacoins in return. This makes it an attractive option for those who want to store large amounts of data securely and cheaply.

The Sia platform also offers a decentralized marketplace where users can buy and sell data storage services. This makes it an attractive option for businesses that need to store large amounts of data securely and cost-effectively.

Overall, Siacoin is a secure and affordable way to store data in the cloud. It’s also a great option for businesses and individuals who need a secure and cost-effective way to store data. With its proof-of-work consensus algorithm, Sia is able to offer a secure and reliable way to store data in the cloud.


Values of Siacoin, Symbol, Rank, Price USD, Price BTC, Volume USD, Market Cap USD, Available Supply, Total Supply, % last hour, % last 24 hours,% last seven days.