Maker Maker Stocks, USD price, market cap


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SymbolMKR Rank45 Price USD2807.25 Market Cap USD2604110156 24H volume USD70271492 Circulating Supply927636 Total Supply977631 Max Supply1005577 % last hour -0.077 % last 24 hours -0.61 % last seven days 0.32  



MKR is a cryptocurrency created by MakerDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that is designed to provide stability to the Ethereum network. The MKR token is used to pay transaction fees, create and manage smart contracts, and maintain the MakerDAO system. It is the native token of the MakerDAO platform and is used to pay for the system’s governance decisions.

MKR is a decentralized stablecoin. It is designed to be a stablecoin, meaning it is designed to maintain a stable value over time. This is achieved by using a system of collateralized debt positions (CDPs) that is backed by Ethereum. In order to create a CDP, users must deposit ETH into the MakerDAO system. This ETH is then used as collateral for the debt that is created when a user takes out a CDP. The debt is then covered by MKR, which is minted and sold to cover the debt. This ensures that the value of MKR remains stable over time.

MKR is also used to pay transaction fees and create and manage smart contracts. It is used to pay for the execution of smart contracts, and to create and manage decentralized applications (dapps) on the Ethereum network. It is also used to pay for the governance decisions of the MakerDAO system.

MKR is an ERC-20 token, meaning it is built on the Ethereum blockchain. It is available for purchase on many cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken. It is also available for purchase with fiat currencies on some exchanges.

MKR is an important part of the Ethereum network. It is used to maintain stability in the Ethereum network, as well as to pay for the execution of smart contracts and the governance decisions of the MakerDAO system. It is an important token for those who are looking to invest in Ethereum or use the Ethereum network.


Values of Maker, Symbol, Rank, Price USD, Price BTC, Volume USD, Market Cap USD, Available Supply, Total Supply, % last hour, % last 24 hours,% last seven days.