42-coin 42-coin Stocks, USD price, market cap


24 hour USD price graph

42-coin 24 hours USD price graph

7 day USD price graph

42-coin 7 day USD price graph

Last month USD price graph

42-coin last month USD price graph

Lasts 3 months USD price graph

42-coin lasts 3 months USD price graph

Symbol42 Rank1259 Price USD37516.3 Market Cap USD1575683 24H volume USD241 Circulating Supply41 Total Supply41 Max Supply42 % last hour -2.40 % last 24 hours -7.91 % last seven days -45.44  



42-coin is a digital currency that was created in 2014. It is a decentralized, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that is based on the Bitcoin protocol. It is the 42nd most valuable cryptocurrency in the world, with a market capitalization of over $1.3 million USD.

The 42-coin was created by an anonymous developer and released to the public on April 21, 2014. It was initially created as a joke, but has since gained some traction and is now traded on several exchanges.

The 42-coin has a total supply of 42 million coins, with a current circulating supply of over 41 million coins. The block reward for mining 42-coin is 42 coins per block, which is halved every four years.

The 42-coin has a number of features that make it unique. First, it has an extremely low transaction fee. Transactions are processed in a matter of seconds and the fees are only 0.00042 coins per transaction. This makes it an attractive option for those who want to transfer money quickly and cheaply.

Second, 42-coin is a fully anonymous cryptocurrency. All transactions are completely anonymous and untraceable. This makes it a great option for those who want to keep their financial activities private.

Finally, 42-coin has a unique algorithm which makes it resistant to ASIC mining. This makes it more difficult for miners to take control of the network and prevents them from gaining a majority of the network’s hashing power.

Overall, 42-coin is an interesting cryptocurrency that has some unique features. It is a decentralized, anonymous, and ASIC-resistant cryptocurrency that is gaining some traction in the market. If you are looking for an alternative to Bitcoin or other major cryptocurrencies, 42-coin may be worth considering.


Values of 42 coin, Symbol, Rank, Price USD, Price BTC, Volume USD, Market Cap USD, Available Supply, Total Supply, % last hour, % last 24 hours,% last seven days.